New studies project that the arctic ocean could be mostly open water in summer by 2040 ? several decades earlier than previously expected ? partly as a result of global warming caused by emissions of greenhouse gases 新研究显示由于温室气体排放引起全球变暖,到2040年夏天北冰洋大部分洋面可能变成开阔的海水,这比先前预计的要早了几十年。
New studies project that the arctic ocean could be mostly open water in summer by 2040 ? several decades earlier than previously expected ? partly as a result of global warming caused by emissions of greenhouse gases 新的研究预测北冰洋到2040年的夏季大部分区域可能变成开放的水域,这比之前预测的时间要提早了数十年,而这在一定程度上是因为排放温室气体带来的全球变暖造成的。
New studies project that the arctic ocean could be mostly open water in summer by 2040 ? several decades earlier than previously expected ? partly as a result of global warming caused by emissions of greenhouse gases 新的研究显示,到2040年夏天的时候,北冰洋的大部分区域将为广阔的水域-比之前预计会达到这种情况的时间要早了几十年-一部分是由于排放气体温室效应全球变暖而引起的
Comparing with other mostly similar motion controller , this paper points out that the key technology of motion controller is to development the motion control ic ( integrated circuit ) . as mostly open motion controller is based on dsp ic , this paper advances a way to develop motion control ic by the technology of ip ( intellectual property ) core and programmable logic device 与目前出现的大多数运动控制器相比,本文指出限制国内运动控制产业发展的瓶颈在于运动控制芯片的掌握和开发,与目前采用工业控制专用dsp芯片来开发运动控制器不同,我们提出使用ip核+可编程芯片( pld )来开发运动控制器。